in traffic

We provide our clients with consultancy and specialist assistance in tax matters, with reference to domestic and cross-border issues, with the aim of provide effective solutions to problems and complexities of any kind.

We are at their side in the analysis of the risk and in the implementation of corporate strategies.

Corporate and group taxation

We assist our clients both on tax matters relating to current affairs and on tax matters relating to M&A transactions and companies reorganizations.
Our professionals have an extensive experience and knowledge of the international accounting principles IAS/IFRS, currently adopted by a number of Italian companies and financial institutions.

We have the capabilities of providing our clients with assistance and advice during tax inspections, as well as the settlement of tax disputes with tax authorities and the management of the tax litigation before Provincial and Regional tax Courts and before the Supreme Court.

We can assist our clients in relation to national and international tax rulings.


We have a consolidated experience in supporting our clients in defining transfer pricing policies in intra-group transactions, guaranteeing a complete assistance in the preparation of supporting documentation in the form requested by Italian legislation.

Our professionals can support our clients in the event of inspections by the tax authorities focusing on such matters.

We can also assist our clients in the management of Advance Pricing Agreement and Mutual Agreement Procedures.


Accounting and
tax compliance

The purpose of the services that we offer is to help Italian and foreign companies to meet – through the outsourcing of the accounting and tax compliance activities – the economic and financial disclosure requirements as requested by Italian legislation. Companies which decide to outsource their accounting and tax compliance activities can assign their in-house resources to higher added value work and reduce the time they spend on what are considered to be time-consuming activities.

Our services include the personalized preparation of the chart of accounts and the bookkeeping, company secretarial services, the preparation of periodic reports and of financial statements in compliance with the accounting principles, as well as any aspect of tax compliance for both direct and indirect taxation including filings before the competent authorities.


For information


Piazza San Sepolcro 1
20123 - Milano (MI)

+39 02 45391290